'He who plants a seed believes in tomorrow' - I Strongly believe :) ......
I love my Garden and the beauty it bring to me and others. It's therapy for me, like reading books are to some people. Knowing that I grew something myself is satisfaction whether it be come seeds I started or purchased the starter plants from a local garden center or nursery. I won a prize for maintaining and decorating my Garden for the first time in Year 2013 from Local Govt Authority, I never imagined before that in gardening I can get some reward and publish my name in local news paper. Now, I had reasonable amount of success and it gives me great pleasure to look at all my successes and to know I nurtured it from seed to a plant.
My wife and me are the youngest on our court of 3 block houses, my house is at T-junction; most residents don't have much space to develop garden and they may only plant few container / pots each Seasons for color..anything else is evergreens or arborvitaes because they are low maintence. I have to have greenery, flowers around me.
I love to see the beauty surround me and one day my neighbor walks by and Thanks me for beautifying our neighborhood. That is another reason why I love to grow greenery and flowers.
This year my hanging pots & bushes are lush with blooms, and I have been sharing with a lot of my neighbors. I just created a new vertical garden in the front of our house so the neighbors infront of us would have something pretty to look at when they look out their windows.
I love to sit back and take snaps, enjoying my hard work.
I love the compliments from neighbors and friends.
I love talking about gardening with co-workers/friends/family.
I love the anticipation of "what will bloom next" or "what will my garden look like next week".
It is the most calming thing I can imagine. I joke that it is my therapy, but it isn't half way joking in truth.
Any time I can't get into the yard for even a couple of days, I notice am more tense and easier to anger.
Looking at the beauty in my gardens is one of the big pleasures in my life.
This will definitely be a life long hobby for me :)
I like it because it's exciting. I like to mix in colours and then wait out the full effects. It's like a new gift every spring - you forget what's in the groun and when they start popping out, what a sight it is. I think gardening is in my genetic code: the desire to dig soil, plant seeds, watch plants grow. Since childhood I am passionate about garden, my grand parents used to grow plants on the roof in small containers, bottles, usually recycled
I wanted to share this with you because I find that there is so much trouble in this world, and it always becomes news. Here’s some great news to share about my green buddies! People’s hearts are good. People are generous. People want to make a positive difference. People can do what they are able, and make a big change for someone else. Young people are eager to help. This world is a kind place. Maybe if we remember that, it will help us to do what we can to make it that way. Make our environment green and clean.
Today, I just want to show you some pictures of the beauty that has happened because people gave generously of their friendship, their time, their creativity and their energy. I thank you from the bottom of my heart for reading my blog.
I like the way it makes me feel about myself. To be able to grow something, nourish life and keep it alive. I actually feel proud of what I have accomplished. On a bad day when I beat myself up about something stupid all I have to do is go look at plants or pot something! I feel great about me!