Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Go Green


I have gone thru very meaningul site

Every person is the right person to act. Every moment is the right moment to begin". THE Time to Act is Now!



The first step to reducing your impact on the environment, is reducing the amounts of resources you consume and use. Think twice before you buy or use anything. Do you really need it? By reducing your consumption you will also decrease the amount of waste you produce.


There are also many other ways to reduce your waste. The opportunities are nearly endless. Here are just a few ideas.

  • Think before you print or photocopy! Print and copy as little as possible.

  • Edit on screen, not on paper.

  • Use e-mail to minimize paper use.

  • Send and store documents like necessary papers and business proposals electronically instead of on paper.

  • When you must print or copy, do it double-sided.

  • Circulate documents instead of making an individual copy for everyone.

  • Change the margins on your Word documents. The default margins on the documents you print are 1.25 inches on all sides. Simply changing the margins to 0.75 inches will reduce the amount of paper you use by almost 5 percent.


There are so many ways of optimizing your energy consumption

Turn off unused or unneeded lights.

Use natural lighting instead of electric lighting whenever possible.

If you have a desk lamp, make sure it uses fluorescent bulbs (instead of incandescent bulbs).

Dress appropriate to the season

Select cold water for washing clothes

Keep windows and doors closed in heated and air-conditioned areas.

Turn off computers when they are not in use.

Turn off printers, especially laser printers, unless printing.

Don’t use power strips to turn on all computers and desk equipment at once.

When purchasing computers and peripherals, buy low wattage equipment

Minimize use of screen savers and instead enable power management features

Purchase only energy-efficient products

Move your refrigerator. Leaving space between your refrigerator and the wall increases air circulation around the condenser coils, allowing the fridge to operate more efficiently.


When buying any type of product, see if it is available with post consumer recycled content.

Wrap presents in gift bags. Once you tear the wrapping paper off a holiday gift it ends up in the recycle bin, but gift bags can be used over and over again.

Production of recycled paper uses only half the water and 3/4 of the energy than new paper

Every ton of recycled paper saves almost 400 gallons of oil, three cubic yards of landfill space and seventeen trees.

If you recycle soda cans, the energy used and air pollution created, is 95 percent less than if the cans were produced from raw materials.

You could operate a TV set for an estimated three hours with the energy saved by recycling just one aluminum can

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Kumbh Mela 2013 - Allahabad

Kumbha Mela is the sacred holy pilgrimage in Hinduism. Kumbha Mela 2013 Dates are from January 14, 2013 to March 10, 2013. Kumbh Mela 2013 will be taking place at Allahabad – Prayag – Sangam in Uttar Pradesh in India. Detail dates and calendar 2013 is given below.

Kumbh Mela takes place once in 12 years at four holy locations in India – Allahabad, Nasik, Ujjain and Haridwar.
As per Hindu religious tradition, Kumbh Mela takes place at Prayag when the planet Jupiter enters Taurus (Vrishabha Rashi) and the Sun and Moon enters Capricorn (Makar Rashi). This unique combination happens on Mauni Amavasya day in Magh Month in 2013.

The popular belief is that bathing during Kumbh Mela helps in attaining Moksha.

Pilgrims and saints from around the world arrive for Kumbh Mela making it one of the largest conglomerations of human beings on the earth. Hindus taking holy dip on the day in sacred rivers.

Sangam at Allahabad is the confluence of three holy rivers – Ganga, Yamuna, and Saraswati. The Kumbha Mela takes place here. This is the biggest Kumbh Fair and is known as Mahakumbh Mela.

The most important bathing dates 2013 -

Makar Sankranti – January 14, 2013

Paush Shukla Paksha Ekadasi – January 22, 2013

Paush Purnima – January 27, 2013

Paush Krishna Paksha Ekadasi – February 6, 2013

Mauni Amavasya – February 10, 2013 - the most important date.

Vasant Panchami – February 14, 2013

Jaya Ekadasi – February 21, 2013

Magh Purnima – February 25, 2013 – Monday highly auspicious

Mahashivratri – March 10, 2013